May 15th, 2012 — ingredients, recipes, technique
What a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend. It has been a while since I have been to my parents’ house, and even longer since I have been able to cook all weekend. Friday night, after coming home from NY, my mother made some exotic Indian fare — millet wheat roti, okra and yellow lentil soup. Very delicious. I learned how to make roti as well, although my mother is considerably better at it than I.
Almond Cake
While cleaning the dishes, she was telling me about an Almond cake she made earlier in the week that had no flour and no (explicit) sugar. But she said it came out a bit flat (later I learned it was because she got lazy and didn’t whip the egg whites! =P). I decided to whip up a batch then and there. The recipe is here at Anja’s Food 4 Thought. I think it turned out wonderfully. I only made a few small changes: added 1/4 tsp of vanilla essence and orange essence and instead of toasting and grinding almonds, I used almond powder which resulted in a finer (cake-like) texture, but no toasted almond flavor.

More deliciousness after the jump!
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January 1st, 2012 — dining, ingredients
Went to Milo’s last night and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
Fish market below

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November 21st, 2011 — dining, technique
Went to Pop’s Garage last week for lunch, and what a treat I enjoyed. Fun decor and colorful ambience gives a very islandy, fun feel to the place. Owned by the same owners as Langousta Lounge, the food is in a similar style with emphasis on fresh ingredients and texture.
Chicken Flautas

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November 17th, 2011 — ingredients, recipes, technique
Just some thoughts on salads…

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April 18th, 2010 — recipes
This recipe was quite decadent. Next time I may cut down on the butter in the crust…It was seriously good though: the onions added some sweet earthiness, the bacon and butter created this mouth-filling richness, the Camembert added some sophisticated notes of salt and grass, and the rosemary tied it all together with this cleansing, yet rich herbal goodness. Try this one out!!!

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April 4th, 2010 — recipes, technique
The problem with delaying a post is that you forget how you prepared a dish…even if you have pictures of the process :-/ I suppose that’s a jab at my memory! In any case, I have a good “excuse” — I had ACL surgery in early March, so most of my mind was occupied with that. Today (3/20/2010), I was finally “recovered” enough to take a trip to Whole Foods and cook up some damn fine grub. But this post isn’t about that. This post is about a different fine meal that I prepared at home on Jan 30, 2010 (Yes…almost 2 months ago!!!
). Btw, I also finally set up my own website =D –>, which seems to be off to a good start. We’ll see how it goes. Continue reading →
February 9th, 2010 — recipes
I’ve been pretty lazy about writing the past 2 weeks, but I’ve been cooking even more, so when I get around to it (I have at least 2 posts to be written), it will be worth the wait…hopefully. I think we had 3 dinner parties and 1 ‘nice’ dinner since I last wrote. Let’s see if I can remember what was made:
Dinner Party 1:
zucchini lasagna (post worthy), chocolate ?foam? muffins (semi post-worthy…although I don’t have pictures of the final thing since we ate them all), spicy chicken with american raita
‘Nice’ Dinner (2/4):
mom made thai noodles with chicken and shrimp, I made manchego mashed potatoes and spinach artichoke dip
Dinner Party 2 (2/5):
senegalese chicken peanut soup, chocolate mousse part 1, chole, thai rice veggie wraps
Dinner Party 3 (2/6):
cheese dip, chocolate mousse part 2, chicken salad